2002 and earlier marked globe? I want to get it straight in my mind. So if I see a Wizard lamp with a globe marked 02 or earlier its made in the USA?

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There white cap has the year on it however the 02 is the color code like Yellow/Red

All the Chinese lamps have different cap labels - as Bohdan says check the cap year number on it. Some of the older ones have screw-caps which should have a sticker under the cap or printed on the felt on the base or the underside!

the one I bought the color code is 03 the first line starts with 02 which is the year from what I ahve seen. here is a photo of it correct me if I am wrong but I think its an 2002


On the USA lamp caps they were printed with the Year-Month-day.

Your code 03 is Blue liquid/White lava with December 20 2002.

So this makes it made in USA, around the last to be made here is this correct?

From 2002 into 2003 many globes still had that USA cap as they began there crossover to China lamps. At one time I had quite a few 2003 lamps and they ran and looked great. Even after 2003 LW still had many USA globes in there warehouse 

they did this because as the China globes began there sales many returns started to happen and they started to send out USA globes to those customers this happen to me a few times and I received USA globes in the mail for my return for another lamp.

I got the lamp today. 02 blue and white wax wizard. Seems like it did not freeze and was actually quite warm. Very clear so will let it acclimate and then run it.

Great news and its good to have the glove sit for that room temp. I use to let the globe sit till the next day then run if it arrived in the dead of winter since the wax may still have the inner area very cold.


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