Just documenting my lava lamps for reference -
Blue/White #03 unknown
Blue/White #03 unknown
Yellow #08 970116L 0109C
Yellow #08 010102P 011101A
Purple #09 010211P 021401C
Purple #09 980406 0512BMS
Purple #09 960425NA 0422
Red #10 950756N 731
Red #10 960766UV 807
Red #10 001215P 120700V
Green #12 960641LV 0624
Green #12 950852N 830
Blue #13 010405P 041001B
Blue #13 940819 826
Pink #14 970113LV 0108
Pink #14 961099LV 1024
Orange #15 010119P 011701
Orange #15 010315P 032601C
Black #16 940936 928
Black #16 620915 917
Black #16 020106T 011702
Chocolate #16A 021214 120602C
Chocolate #16A 121214P 120602C
Teal #17 010111F 011601C
Teal #17 990205 022399BMS
Teal #17 951001N 105
Cranberry #18 0109020P 091401
Cranberry #18 951069NA 1114
Lime #19 970730LV 0717A
Lime #19 971182LV 111750TMS
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