This will be a place to add new lamps from the few Companies that still make and sell Lava lamps along with there other cool lights .

Over time I see Mathmos as the main leader for this forum from there Lava to there other lights.

What will Lava Lite bring to the table for the world to buy. Looks like they may have there factory here in 2015 but will it have the machines to make the lamps or will it just be a place to assemble the lamps as they arrive from China which will be cheaper to make it happen.

If you see something new or even something that is still for sale post it here like these that can still be bought and are now on sale for $10.00 with there flared plastic see thru base with nice looking  top base port holes.

Perhaps one day soon we will see a Dr Who Lava lamp.




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Three new 52z lamps with colored Globes and base.

The Ombre Metallic The Peacock and The Pink Metallic.

The Pink one with the holes reminds me of their Designer series from a while back.

Yes it does they came in the 17" 32z version and were very cloudy and non working on quite a few versions.


I'd collect more new lamps from Mathmos if they'd switch into this century by catering at least for more countries within the Commonwealth & make their full range to them. New Zealand is an ally yet we're cut off like we're part of the third world & even Australia isn't worthy of the full range of products at the moment. I'm sure there's somewhere with the right work ethic & facilitates to sell the entire range on Mathmos's behalf if that's what is required. There's some theory about as to why this hasn't already happened & but iff there was any truth to it it would be coming from the manufacturer. Would it be so difficult or too much to ask to have a website offering the full range of Mathmos products with the option of shipping to Australia or New Zealand? The current Au website is nothing to be proud of in it's current form IMHO while being nothing but frustrating for many Mathmos fans & collectors.

I'm sure there are other people in other countries who can relate to some of what's been said but I can only comment on mysituation. It would be nice at the very least to have some sort of clarification to what is & isn't possible directly from the manufacturer but I might be barking up the wrong tree.

Mathmos fell short on the Patent Contract a few years ago to get there agreement signed so they could sell to other parts of the world. This all dates back to when Craven Walker sold out to then the newly formed LL USA and he took his Astro lamps back to the UK with a Contract not to sell to the USA.

Well many years later now with Mathmos that contract was up and Mathmos could have done well but turning it around they waited and it failed so Mathmos can no longer sell to the USA and other parts of the world as in that very old contract But LL China can sell there cheap lamps all over the world they now have that market.

Looks like Mathmos are going to do the wall mounted Neos with a white metal finish. I wonder if they will do the regular ones in white too?

Just in time for the Holiday Sales.

Neo Wall lava lamp 

The only wall mounted lava lamp available, unique Neo Wall is suitable for homes and public spaces both on its own or in multiples. Neo Wall is completely secure and suitable for adults and children alike.  Straightforward to put up, see video below, the lead does not need to be chased into the wall and can simply be tidied up with the optional cable grip. The product is cleverly designed so that after fixing the back plate to the wall it simply slots into place and is fixed with two screws, Allen keys provided. See video below.

Designed by Jonathan Coles Studio and made of cast metal in silver, copper or part white Neo Wall is available in 5 lava colour combinations.  Like its sister product Neo, this wall design is low voltage and powered by halogen capsule running cooler than other lava lamps. 

Even the Neo Stand up lamps have there colors.

Neo Lava lamp

Designed by Jonathan Coles Studio to be both stylish and safe, Neo is available exclusively from Mathmos. Made of cast metal in either polished silver, copper or part matt white Neo is available in five unique lava colour combinations. Neo is the only lava lamp available tested safe for all ages.

Something new in the 32z line up called Chakra featuring all seven Chakra symbols lined in order from top to bottom, this Lamp has a nice contrast from the white symbols against the rainbow colors of the globe, base and cap. Soon we may no longer see a clear liquid with wax lamp as the globes become color painted in tri-colored perhaps this is the way NOT to see slightly cloudy liquid lamps. 

The eagle has landed in white: Mathmos Neo in White ...

Here we have Mathmos showing the world that there lamps are still hand made.

Some hard work was happening behind the scenes to bring you the #PrettyGreenXMathmos Lamps. Here's some exclusive shots of production process.

Spinning. Etching. Filling. Boxing then shipping!



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