This forum will be on the new Tardis lava lamp thru company called Rabbit Tanaka.

Standing 15" tall with a 25w R type bulb. Mine arrived yesterday and I have started the run with this lamp. 

I plan to do a custom finish on the console and will add pin holes where some of the switches are.

For now this lamp seems to be a limited run but I see quite a few sales to be had.

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What the lava Tardis looks like flowing.

What both globes look like.

A few sites have sold out on this lamp!!

What both lamps look like from glitter to lava.

I have one too and intended to eventualy do the same thing you did, modify the console, it is soo boring as is.

Glitter is definitely the way to go with this lamp-flow is just all small bubblers due to globe size

What a fantastic sell out on this lamp. All sites sold out very fast and the company hopes to have more in stock within 7 to 14 days.

Such a cool design. Love the illuminated base so much!

With Comic-Con 2017 the Tardis has been a great success and should turn out as a sell-out with a hand full left.

The two doctors #3 and #4 operating the Tardis with K9.

For those who have asked about a second vase. Lava World made this desk table lamp with wax and glitter years ago and the vase is a perfect match for the Tardis. These can be had thru E-bay and at times in thrift shops.


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