This forum will be on the new Tardis lava lamp thru company called Rabbit Tanaka.

Standing 15" tall with a 25w R type bulb. Mine arrived yesterday and I have started the run with this lamp. 

I plan to do a custom finish on the console and will add pin holes where some of the switches are.

For now this lamp seems to be a limited run but I see quite a few sales to be had.

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As the Tardis starts it run with its Yellow liquid and orange wax.

I like what they did to the base and how the light shines thru.

I started the painting and the addition of gel space photo cells to the console.

This is side one.

Photo of side two. As you can see the red circle dots have the inner pin holes drilled to let the lit thru when on.

Side three of the console.

Side four of the console.

And side five of the console.

What all sides look like once done with there pin holes and gel cells.

Photo of this Tardis lamp completed.

What the console looks like when lit from within. The bottom base really lights on thru and as you can see the light shines thru the pin holes.

Interesting. It looks really really good.

I just finished make a custom orange liquid with silver/orange glitters on an older LW globe that I still had that is the same size/shape how lucky is that.


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