Mathmos Neo Lava lamp

Designed by Johnathan Coles to be both stylish and safe, Neo is available exclusively from Mathmos websites. Made of cast metal in either polished silver or copper Neo is available in four unique lava colour combinations.

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Love the new Neo. Great photos Anthony. Has a real modern look to it.

Is this the Color turquise and violet liquid?
Does it look like blue/blue in real too or is it just on the photos?

It depends a lot on the light Marcel, however in real life the master fluid looks violet and has a pink tone to it. The camera does not pick this up. The Violet is the same violet as the violet in Violet/Orange and the wax is Turquoise light blue.

So does it have any violet/pink touch in a dark room?
or just blue? :)

Lo.oking at it in a dark room. brb ...

If you are standing over it with the light coming through it yes you get some pink, if you are looking straight at it you still get some pink but not as much. :)

Look at the Telstar with the same bottle ...

Ok thank you.

I will order all other colors later anyway :)

I ordered the silver one with the turquise/violet bottle.

But I will order the copper one with red/red nd a replacement bottle in pink/violet too.

What a fantastic new look to the future for Mathmos the look has that Blue liquid to White lava and this will look great with the copper finish.

Now we have a newer bulb for this version.

That is great these are easy to source too.

20 Watts is awesome!


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