Well since the Heritage Collection is now on sale like $14.99 from the $40.00 to $50.00 range it was time for me to buy a few and see what has to be done to make them work as they should have been if needed. The shop I went to had over 30 in stock and all 6 models were there. I bought all 3 of the Century models and the great looking Red Wizard model. As they came out of the box the Century 5000 and 5001 were slightly cloudy the other 2 were nice and clear. As I begin there start-up I will add to this forum on how they run. I see LLs site no-longer has them since all have been sold to other Lots for quick sales at a fantastic low price. 

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There is a notice difference in quality with the Newer Heritage

Unless your converting a new heritage to glitter, there is so much work to do to make it work correctly with lava, its almost not worth the effort unless your a collector addicted to playing with them.

Here we have a photo of the 50th collection and as you can see the Grande has no pin-holes and there is no Century added. As I have mentioned before its all about the heat needed to run the lamps. 

Beautiful Display

An update to the Heritage collection lamps. As time passed on all of the lamps I bought from the Collection have started to flip there coils most of the time now as they start up. This is also a problem that LL China has mentioned on there Lava FB site about the flip. Big time coil flipping is due to the Cheap wax formula used on the Century and Wizards and now other lamps.This is another reason why I will only buy there lamps when found on a large discounted sale and if its what I want other then that No Sale to be made.


Heritage line was a huge design error.-but it does not stop there.
Even my two 17" neons i ordered last week are doing the same thing.

IMHO that design line is best suited for glitter conversions.

I cannot believe what people are asking for them on ebay.

Makes no sense

How very true. Now that LL China has full sales control of the Lava world here in the states they can sell there junk and many will still buy them however the smart buyers will return them. There returns must be very high and this is why LL China will make more of there lamps in the 20z versions. They seem to loose sales in the 32z and 52z line and even there Grandes take a hit as many are still cloudy. They say there lamps become cloudy due to sales in the summer yet winter sales are the same cloudy as all. Yet the Mathmos lamps that I have bought from England and shipped in the hot summer arrived clear.

Yeah hat is my next move

A Mathmos collection

ABSOLUTELY true about he mixed message of cloudy-ness and seasons

I bought a 50th Anny grande and had to return it to Amazon 3x then they cut me off from additional exchanges. I went to Susan !LL for a resolution, She sent me the whole lamp and it took some time to clear

the others (were not only dented) but were so cloudy you could not see the lava at all.

This quality issue has o be cutting in on the bottom line

This is really sad. I have put Mathmos and old USA Lava globes in Checked Airplane luggage and never seen one cloud. There is something about them that makes them cloud. I think they are coming from China cloudy?

Yes it seems most are coming out that way cloudy and with other problems. This is why I am staying away from LLs Double trouble new high price lamp its all about the Cheap formula.

I found a few more lamps at the TM shops and they had new 17" lamps coming out. I will revisit them at a later date since they still had a few Wizards and 2 Century lamps in the golden base. I bought another of the Red/Yellow Century since my original is not clearing up as I knew already when bought 2 months ago.

Now this version was done later with its date and has a new batch number. I will see how it flows in a few days but it is very clear so hopefully it will not cloud as it runs.

Hopefully they stay nice & clear for you Bohdan!

would love to get ahold of wizards at those prices, just to use for glitter conversions


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