so I was walking to Cressida's office and I saw three boxes so I peeped in them an I saw that one had a giant telstar base the other a giant astro baby bottle and the last had a giant telstar cap.

now I knew the giant telstar was being made but I didn't know that it would be here so soon I asked Cressida what it was doing here so soon she said that it was a prototype but is going to be sent back.

I was really confused why it was going to be sent back and Cressida said.........'it was made to large'

so I asked what the height was and It turned out to be 8 ft altogether when designed to be 4ft.

but the giant telstar is not for home use it is for companies advertising only so sorry no one will get one.  

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What a shame! I'd love a giant Telstar :(
You probably already know this but I had ordered an Astro from a small dealer but sadly it was out of stock. The owner phoned mathmos to reorder and also asked if a smart astro might be on the cards again.

She was told there would be a colour changing lamp released in the summer and it would be approximately 1m tall.

How cool would that be?

unfortunately that is not true we are making a 1m tall lamp but is not colour changing

Still excited! 1m tall- my partners going to be annoyed! Lol

at the moment we have not devised the colours of the wax, liquid and base/cap.

but I would like your help to decide.

and do you have a brother called Duncan. ;-D 


Sad to hear that we will not able to purchase on of this Lamps.

I think mathmos should think about bringing back the Glitter lamps!

I (and many others too) love the Glitter Formula of the Glitterbaby Astro lamps.

Why did mathmos stop the production of the glitter lamps/bottles?

im am not too shure why they stopped the glitter lamps ill have to ask Cressida on wednesday

Giant Telstars would cost quite a bit and in order for Mathmos to make it cost effective they would have to sell a lot to companies which would use it for advertising. Even for companies as such Mathmos would have to have an order for over a 100 makes to make at least there product cost back if not more. The world of Lava has changed and Mathmos is being very carefull as not to take a major loss on new productions. 

One extra vote for a Glitter Baby or perhaps a Smart version too?

a smart version would be awesome why didn't I think of that.


The giant telstar has been re modeled it will 70cm tall but is not fully designed yet (sorry im a bit buisy with LED stuff)


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