Hi folks! Mathmos is releasing their very first of new colours and takes on the Astro, with their Red/ Pink Astro lava lamp. This is a really beautiful colourway and really stunning to look at.





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I think any new lavalamp from mathmos in at least a astro size would make everyone here very happy.

Not only new colors for bottles (but keep new colors comming! ;) ). We want new Lamp designs.

I think the most people would love something new big with the Lunar bottles but a very different design as the original Lunar Lamp.

well at the moment I am designing a 70cm telstar ( called superstar ) and  we have to plan the next exhibition.

if you would like to suggest new colours im happy to try to recreate them as only some dyes mix with the mathmos formula ( that I happen to know ) but I cannot tell you ( I could but then ill have to kill you ;).

And you know the fireball well how would you like a lunar sized fireball!


Mathmos team

Okay...I can stare at the photos forever. I am traveling to London and will be ordering some Mathmos to meet me there... My question to the wise board is this... if you only had a Telstar from Mathmos with clear/pink... would you buy an Astro and an Astrobaby to round out the collection... or an Astro and a Heritage Astro... or a Heritage and an Astrobaby? I might be able to squeeze an extra globe for the telstar if I don't get an Astrobaby... and I sure wish the Astro/Heritage globes were cross-compatible... so what would you get... Copper/Gold Heritage with black lava? Which globe colors for a regular Astro?

It was easy for me to decide when I ordered a LL Heritage lamp... they have so many problems with them and I have gookit globes and glitter globes... I just ordered a black wizard and watched it take about 2 hours to heat up... now I just run my customs or the glitter...

It pains me to think about it!! Help me make a good decision!! :-)

Always follow your favourite colours, but I love the electric blue Astro - take a look at www.historyofthelavalamp.com

You could go for an Astrobaby with perhaps an extra vase which would give you a different color choice when running your Telstar along with the Astrobaby. 

That is what I was thinking at one point. If I get an astrobaby and an extra vase, I could still get an Astro and probably an extra vase. If I get the Astro too, would you recommend the regular Astro or a Heritage?

The Heritage line-up would be the way to go. The base with its color combos really stand out.

I finally did it today... I have looked at the Mathmos website for days and days. I called them up and ordered a Heritage Astro Gold with Black/Plum lava and a Blue with turquoise lava. I then decided to also order an astrobaby globe in blue/green for the telstar. I was close to getting a standard Astro with a violet/red globe then decided that the Heritage line may not stick around and they look so unique. I also ordered a spare cap for Astro and Astrobaby. The Astro cap is just in case I need one for something.. the baby, I am going to see if it can be used on my Carlisle when I want to swap in a glitter globe (since Lava Lite cannot be bothered to sell spare anything, even plastic!)

Anyway... I feel pretty good... not sure how I will explain coming home with lava lamps in my suitcase, but I will deal with that next week!

The Mathmos folks are so nice... placing the order made my day I think.

By the way... during my week of looking,I read a press release from their limited edition lamp and I think there are still some available at a London store... I checked the website:


What a great way to come Home with Mathmos lamps. :-)

 You should totally visit that store. If you are in London, check out John Lewis on Oxford Street, they sell the Astros in two basic colourways. Let me know if you need directions or bus routes etc ...

Thanks for the offer. I am only in London for a meeting on Monday morning so I won't have time to do much of anything.. I originally was going to try to go to John Lewis but then realized I might be able to order lamps from Mathmos and have them delivered to my hotel. THAT turns out to be completely possible.

I am thrilled! But I won't believe it until I get to the hotel and see the box sitting there waiting for me!

I ordered some 110V bulbs from 1000bulbs.com and am hoping that they will work. I did a lot of looking and ended up with 40W golfball bulbs (G14 base I believe). I read some instructions for swapping out the parts, but the bulbs that were recommended don't seem to be available easily anyway, so I decided to just go the 110V Euro base route and ordered some uk-us plug adaptors.

IF I had time, I would check out the Aria store... heck, I would probably buy a ltd edition lamp just to come back here and sell to someone.. just don'e have the time!

You should get a Limited Edition lamp, there aren't many of them out there, and will be special in years to come! Both Aria and John Lewis are very very easy to get to. They are actually very beautiful in person. Hope it all goes well for you. Remember to get some packaging material like bubble wrap which most post offices or Ryman's stores will sell. Inside each Astro box is two boxes, one with the base and cap and one with the bottle. They are packed very well but I always put some bubble wrap next to the bottle or a towel as added protection when shipping.


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