This will be a place to add new lamps from the few Companies that still make and sell Lava lamps along with there other cool lights .

Over time I see Mathmos as the main leader for this forum from there Lava to there other lights.

What will Lava Lite bring to the table for the world to buy. Looks like they may have there factory here in 2015 but will it have the machines to make the lamps or will it just be a place to assemble the lamps as they arrive from China which will be cheaper to make it happen.

If you see something new or even something that is still for sale post it here like these that can still be bought and are now on sale for $10.00 with there flared plastic see thru base with nice looking  top base port holes.

Perhaps one day soon we will see a Dr Who Lava lamp.




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Just bought a Bob Marley store display. The only Bob they had left. Was ran a week so I know it runs well.(Passed the store everyday at work.) About the display poster... As soon as they are told to sell it they said I could be the first to buy it!... also as soon as the new lamp warms up I will take photos of it for all of you guys! So far it looks really nice.

As 2012 comes to an end Hughes Wave Motion Machines has listed a great rebuilt 22"x4" classic with his wonderful formula on Ebay.  The Atlantis  Sold for $1,125.00 nice price for this rare Wave.


I wondered what ever happened to the 100s of the Aquarium Grande Lamps that were not sold in the U.S.A they are now in the UK on-line with LL shop for all to buy. They are only $100.00 each just in time for the new year.


Looking for this Orange glitter version from 5 below found a few for this year so far one very nice addition.

Just in time for 2013 the return of a limited run Colossus. Hopefully this limited run will be better then there last run was. The cost has been reduced I wonder why since this is a great lamp to own. Perhaps they have done something with the ones that were return from there last batch. I also wonder why they have not added the Blue/White color to this list since they have a nice running color with this one and it is new to there line up. They are offering the same colors as before for this custom run interesting this is.

Well I got one......Crap is all I can say

Lava Lite has for 2013 released there new 11" Accent in Orange with Orange liquid and white lava. This is there new and improved formula for lava collectors to buy. I will check it out along with there new 20z version with Purple liquid and yes Pink lava another new and improved formula.

Stopped at Toys r Us could not find the Orange Accent but did see a few others. I asked the sales person and was told the Orange Accents were sent back. I believe they were very cloudy and buyers started to return them.

Something new and very cool looking from Mathmos. Love the Red/Pink color combo yet this one will not be for the U.S.A. what a shame.

New Lamps coming from LL . It seems we will have a Black base Clearview in 32z along with a few other globe colors. Looks like there will be a few 20z lamps added along with a Rainbow and a few 12z lamps in Clearviews. Check out the lower link to the site. They have also added as a surprise the Red Anodized and the painted purple Clearviews which from what I have seen look better and run great they will be sold thru Spencers.



Looks like we will have many more 12z and 20z lamps for 2013 from China even the rainbow will be 20z shrink wrapped as well. The 32z Clearviews will have new color and even a black base version with a few Clearviews made as 20z lamps. Perhaps we have seen the last of the 12z Clearviews that failed big time. 

Lava Lamps from Russia seem to deliver great looking lamps for the world to buy. They know what people want and make it happen.



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