Ive just been watching BBC News 24 channel ( here in the UK ) & seen the EU has passed a ban on the 60W bulb, what with the banning of 100W last year Im thinking that a lot of us are going to suffer especially with our older collections ie Crestworth lamps ( other lamps are avalible ... lol )


what are people's thoughts on this? Me personally I have a small stock pile pile of 100W bulbs & will do the same for the 60W as well, I'm sure people will say what kind of lamp takes these bulbs .... well there are may kind of shapes for the 60W- not just the standard size of a plain bulb so we have to take this into account as well.


I think those of us who only collect lava lamps also have to remember the retro Vintage lights of the 60's in general, which I am starting to see since joining this site. There are many ... lol.


I think this is gonna raise it's own problems for people in Europe as a whole for when we run out for the 60W & the now banned 100W ( as of last year ) How many of us are going to look to the internet & "black market" for the non UK freindly & possibly very dangerous fire risk bulb???


Finally I am of great belief it's better to have it & not need it than to need it & not have it.


If you wish to read more on this event check out the link below.




Let me know your thoughts


Thanks for reading = - )



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This makes feel sad - this is why Mathmos' Smart Technology is going to get more important but it will impact the vintage lava lamps. I have an almost endless supply of 40w bulbs and under just in case they are gonna get the axe. Pretty sad day today and other countries will follow sadly. What people need is the find cleaner fuels and cleaner sources of energy, switching to CFL energy saving bulbs will not solve the problem. Also I really hate these energy saving bulbs, their light is impossible to work, photograph under.

The world is changing!

The 40W golfball light bulbs here are also getting the ban here this year in Australia. I've had to stock up on 100 watters for my Lunars , I still find them available luckily. We may have to switch to a suitable halogen bulb till everything goes LED and CFL. Glitter lamps work fine with these , I have yet to try a halogen on a lava lamp , they appear to be much hotter than the incandecent bulbs.

In the end buying the bulbs on-line and thru Bulb shopping stores also on line will be the last call. I also have enough of the bulbs in the 40w to 100w to last a while. As long as companies still make new models of lava lamps they will have to offer bulbs for sale as a replacement. As for the older lamps yes the fun of finding them will begin. Older lamps may have to be rewired with newer plug sockets so they can use the newer bulbs since many Crestworths already have bulbs that cannot be found. I love the incandescent bulbs with there warm feel and look to them. I hate the newer CFL bulbs and how many will be tossed in the trash for disposal. They have Mercury inside of them and will in the end kill this world. Here is what they have told us to do if you drop one inside the home. I see brain damage from these bulbs.

                      *** People and pets should immediately leave the room. 

*** Open a window and/or door and Air out the room for 5 to 10 minutes. 

*** Turn off the central forced air heating/air-conditioning system. 

*** Thoroughly collect broken glass and visible powder using wet cloths. Never use vacuum cleaners or brooms. 

*** Put all debris and cleanup materials in a sealable container and put outdoors in a trash container or protected area until materials can be disposed of properly. Do not leaving bulb fragments or cleanup materials indoors. 

*** If practical, continue to air out the room where the bulb was broken and leave the heating/air conditioning system shut off for several hours


I see a spec. sales with these bulbs coming.

Buy a 6 pack of the CFL bulb and get 40% of your next sale on a Gas Mask.


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