Have you all ordered the new colours yet? What do you think?

The Yellow/turquoise and Red-pink/pink are both really beautiful. Not too keen on the yellow/orange-pink though. When off, the wax is a grey colour. When on, it's. sort of a yellowish peach. It's a poor substitute for the old yellow & orange.
Also, I'm not too keen on the dye used for the yellow liquid. It glows with. Green tint at the bottom of the bottle. Think I'm going to have to do a spot of customising!

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I am really enjoying the new Yellow-Blue-Green - Have to try the other colours Rich! - Checkout: www.britishinvention.com :)

Just ordered one of these yellow-blue-green bottles - can't wait to see it!!!

Looking forward to seeing the new Astro in the flesh, the new colour combos look great.

Mathmos is really ahead of the game when it comes to Lava lamps. They keep adding colors and great looking base/caps for all to buy. Now if only they would make an Ebay site for us here in the states to buy also. Or have Electric Planet in the UK make the sales happen once more for us.

Well sadly after two weeks use the red colour has faded. Th bottle receives no sunlight at all, It has faded only from the light below :-(

I would return it but I had to return the original blue & yellow. The wax was full of dark blue blobs that wouldn't melt in. Mathmos' response was that the dye takes a while to blend in and they sent me a bottle in even worse condition. If it hasn't improved by the time the bottle goes cloudy I will be returning it again!

I am sorry to hear it Rich, the fading was very fast. My yellow-blue had like three dark blobs in the wax but it is all even out now. I am wondering why the dye isn't blended in as it was before with the old 1990s blues. How is the flow on yours?

The flow is fine, more bubbles rather than the snake like flow but certainly not a problem.
It is that the color changing astros have a special dye that may not mix well


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