I noticed Mathmos were out of stock of the Green Fluidium, so I e-mailed them about it. They said it had been discontinued, but they had Yellow ones for sale. My guess would be when the Yellow ones have gone, that will be it.

I managed to get one from herehttp://www.sweatband.com/mathmos-fluidium.html


Hurry while stocks last.

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Same for Electric Planet only Yellow is left.
I loved there Purple/orange lava version. Another one they should have kept. Perhaps they are just trying to end this run of them and in time release another better version without all of the air bubbles in them like these had at times.
Shame to see the Fluidium go , such a great lamp
I really like the fluidiums but wish they did them in different colours like red, blue, purple or even pink !
Such a shame if they have discontinued them :(
yeah wished they did more colours too, sad to see them go
That blue would have been GREAT.

OMG they didn't release the Blue!

The blue looks the best!

Dear god they are killing everything off in favour of their modern LED rubbish! If only i had won that euro millions, i could have bought the company and given it one hell of a kick up the ass and in the right direction, they have so much potential as a company but they constantly fail to deliver, the fluidium range has loads more possibilities but they simply cant be bothered. Oh well looks like it will be RIP any Mathmos Lava lamps before long!

Does anyone have one of these?




Do they flow correctly, and how clear are they?. Do you think it's worth it, for the cost?

From the picture they look great.

I quite like the giant fake fluidiums but IIRC Marcel had to filter his as it was a bit cloudy ?
I'm looking at getting one soon and if it's cloudy I'll do a refill with mathmos :)
Thanks everyone, I hadn't realised how big they were. I thought they fluidium sized. I've taken the plunge anyway. It should arrive in a weeks time.
Hmmm been thinking about this a little more, i have a new clear/green fluidium spare which i was going to sell, think i may hang onto it now for a while if they are going to discontinue them ;)


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