A classic Mandy Mills one of a kind custom. Has that Buck Rogers rocket with Lava above the wing.
One of my favorite custom painted lamps from Mandy.

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Comment by Bohdan on January 12, 2013 at 3:18pm

Thanks. This was a great addition from Mandy for my collection from 2009 I had asked her if she could make a Rocket painting for me. This one took a while and Mandy got it done. I will be adding a group here about how my Tables are made for all to see and hopefully make a few on there own. No one makes tables at all for the Grande and all of the other smaller models another reason I started to make them they really bring out a lava lamp .

Comment by Jethro on January 11, 2013 at 11:14am

Wow, amazing art work and love the table.  I've been trying to find one for my lamp, but no luck.  Would you mind telling me the measurements and/or photos of how it attaches?  I would like to make one.  I really appreciate it.

Comment by Bohdan on October 16, 2012 at 3:48pm

I have placed this lamp in our new re-done Bedroom which will have a small wall with Lava and Robots. Once done will post pics. Mandy made great looking 32z LW Base and caps.

Comment by ElectricAstro on October 16, 2012 at 2:00pm

Mandy's bases are beautiful. I love the paintwork!

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