Lava Comparisons: Lava World VS Goo Kit

This is a comparison of too lamps. The one on the left is a Goo Kitted Giant; while the one on the right is a Lava World Giant. Both were on for about 5 1/2 hours

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Comment by Bohdan on June 5, 2014 at 4:21pm

Its a great looking Grande.

Comment by James on June 5, 2014 at 12:33pm

If I feel like it down the road I'll reseal it. As for now I'm too lazy. But OMG! I'm REALLY in love with the color, and translucency though. I was up till 3 am staring at it last night... lol

Comment by Bohdan on June 5, 2014 at 11:53am

You seem to have enought air gap. I once took the top off a Giant and resealed. I made sure the o-ring was dry by using rubbing alch. and did the same to the inner plastic cover and around the glass clamp area to make sure nothing was slippery. I then applied downward hand pressure on the plastic cap and retightened the clamp if you just place the cap on and lock the clamp in place air moisture with inner pressure from within will seep out and run down as the vase expands.

Comment by James on June 5, 2014 at 10:32am

Thank you. I have decided to just leave it. I really like the flow actually. I do have one technical problem though, and that is; I am noticing a slight leak down the side. I may need to tighten the seal some more. Have you undone a Giant? It really innovative how they sealed it and getting the seal off and on was easier than I thought. I just can't figure out why its dripping down the side.

Comment by Bohdan on June 5, 2014 at 9:59am

Your Goo kit version is running great. It seems to be getting into a wonderful flow as time goes bye. USA giants when they first came out would need at least 8 hours for them to get a great flow. Your Goo kit giant is looking more like a Mathmos flow as it gets hotter great job on the kit version.

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