Hey guys we are a friendly site of lava lamp collectors and have no issues with what lamps you choose to collect. We are not Mathmos Fan bois or Lava Lite bashers as quoted by such a charming member from Oozing poo. The sole purpose of why some of us are here is due to the unfriendly folk we have experienced at that site and have come here and set up camp to not be surrounded by their drama, hate and ignorance. 

For the record our accounts were deleted by thier admin, we never left or took a break from the site as they conveniently told other fellow members.

Most people here including myself collect both Mathmos and Lava lite lamps. We come here in peace to share and appreciate our lamps and to also make new friends along the way.

Whether we like Mathmos is our own personal taste but with what Lava lite produces these days, the choice is obviously clear.

Thank you to all the members that have put so much into making this site a fun and friendly place to be, for your contributions and advice you offer to other memebers, without you guys we would not have a community.

So kick back and enjoy, .......we are happy to be here!



Here's some light reading of what you can expect from them.




Screen shot attached due to their love of deleting anything against someone making a comment about their love for a brand.



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Yes we have a great site and are not afraid to have members talk about other very poorly made lava lamps that over the years are still bad if not worse. I have headed more and more towards Mathmos over the yrs because they can and still do provide great looking and running lamps. Even now Mathmos is selling out of there Astros and there Smart Astro lamps have begun to do like wise and they continue to add great color combos to there list. If you speak your mind on OG about China made Lava Lite lamps as a new member you will be deleted from there and they will shut the forum down.

As a long term admin from that site it was time for me to make a change over and I am once more having fun like I use to in this World of Lava Lamps were other Hobbies can be added to your Lava collection photos.

Welcome to our forum Erin aka Mike aka Kira Marie aka Jason Vermeer, hope you enjoy your short stay with yet another fake profile , love your green/white lamp, thought it looked familiar. Is that purple glow in the globe from your purple/white that you have at work, great cropping by the way, love how the cables in the backround also match your photo especially on such a lovely custom white base.....is this how you are dealing with the new 60s lights or is it oozinglava? By the way loved how you shared my Justin Beiber pic from my facebook profile, oh the betrayal and hypocricy...........Theres a rat amongst you. LOL

Enjoy your stay!

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"I'm a Lady , I do Ladies things" (Little Britain)

Yes we are and now with a great name .   WWW.OOZINGLAVA it has such wonderful ring to it.


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