I wonder if there end is finally coming. Many Spencer stores here in my area are unloading there lamps for half the cost and it looks like they are returning the rest of there stock back to home base to perhaps be shipped back to LL for a refund. Seems all of there newer Designer 52z line has ended. I have also seen a few of the Bed Bath and Beyond stores that use to have there 32z Designers are no longer in stock to be seen so it looks like there end is coming or perhaps they have a new Batch of lamps with a new Formula to sell.  I have seen soo many stores that had there lamps for sale that now have up to 80% discounts just to get rid of there Very Bad stock and they are not ordering anymore lamps down the line since they still have lamps from 2009 left.

If this is so then once they are gone perhaps Mathmos will start to sell there Lamps here in the States as it should be.

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They came back with there Heritage line and the best so far was there Grande in the Green and Pink neon wax versions.

There could be hope yet.


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