Now that the Clearviews have come and gone for now with many returns on them and there super sales from Target just to get rid of stock Lava Lite has done us all another favor with a few new models in other colors.

First we have the 52z Blue/red lava lamp from Spencers which at first looked great. They are super clear and the red wax looks great with no white dye inside. However after running my first one on the first day it ran great and flowed nice then it happened the wax was no longer sticking to the coil and so it just sat there for hours doing nothing yes a Bad Coil we had. I now have made an exchange for this 2nd one and just like the first one as it warms up NO SPIKING at all. The liquid is still clear and the wax looks great and it is sticking to the coil however this new formula by Lava Lite has changed and it now only flows 1 blob every 2 minutes after 4 hours on as compared to another new one in its Blue/White combo that flows great at 4 hours. This second Blue/Red lamp will also be returned and no others will be bought since it will only be a waste of time. I have added a video on this fine running lamp once again made by Lava Lite in what they make for us to buy as junk most of the time.

More reviews will be added here on there other new models .

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A classic video of how these lamps flow. Just look how the Blue/Red flows up so quickly that it looks like only One Blob rising every 2 minutes. Most impressive this lamp is. The Older Blue/White from early this year which Spencers still has for sale works great go figure. This is lamp #2 on the Blue/Reds lamp #1 just died.

What a shame we finally have a CLEAR and great LOOKING lava lamp but with one very poor action flow.

Looks like the $5.00 smaller lamps from the shops called Five Below have a much better flow to them with so much lava action going on then this $22.00 Blue/Red 52z version.



Another problem with this lamp has started to appear. The inner vase at the bottom above the wax has started to leave a Haze ring around the glass and it has begun to get larger. I have seen this problem before on LL 52z globes that form the Haze rings over a few days to the point that it become harder to keep looking at the lamp. I have also noticed that this globe unlike other LL lamps no longer leaves that lava floating on the top as in this pic of an lamp bought early this year from LL.

Well after having my last run on this lamp for 10 hours now the blobs are now 2 per minute with a 3rd one off an on. I see your average buyer taking these lamps Home pluging them in and then waiting to see what happens well after 5 hours they will unplug and return them back to the store for a refund. They will point to the box photo cover and let them know that this lamp does not come close to the picture and that the wax just sits there doing nothing. How many buyers will let this lamp run all day for the flow to start to get better . Better with a Mathmos lamps that will flow great in a short time and will have quite a few more lava blobs aflowing.



A photo of the wax haze film that has started to form inside the bottom of the vase. Only a batch of cheap wax will start adding inner haze film to a Lava Lamp.


What customers have asked about this Blue/Red 52z is why does it take over 5 hours to start doing something since the sticker lets all know that it will start to flow in 2 to 3 hours not 5 to 7 hours as I found out today when I returned my #2 Blue/Red back to the store. However while there I saw them adding a few Leopards 32z to the shelf and bought one.

I hope that this series of the Safari line in the 32z will make it happen. I saw that Spencers still had all of the pink Zebras in stock however 1 of the Leopards had already been sold. So I added this one to the collection and its reviews to be done.

Looks like there will be a Snake skin version coming soon with Clear/Black wax.

The cost for this Leopard is $25.00 because the base and cap have the added shrink wrap that Lava lite has become known for. Having it painted like the wonderful USA Safari line had would have made the cost in the $50.00 to $60.00 range.

The Leopard was made in June of this year and Model # K4165.


What the Lava looks like out of the box cold and what happens to it as the coil warms up. The lava jumps up and leaves the coil behind just like the Red lava from the 52z Blue/Red did.


What this Leopard looks like as it spikes.

After 3 hours it started to run hot like in this pic. I have now installed a frosted bulb and the flow has change to almost what a USA 32z globe use to look like.

What the wax looks like after it cooled down.


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