They do take time to make but the end result is great. I used 52z China made globes that came in Clr/Red lava and added coloring to make it yellow.

Over time the head clears up well and the flow really takes off.


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Making the same with Green and then a Green glitter was fun. They really turn heads when friends stop over and the head are flowing.
The base can be made from a metal coffee can. It can be drilled and wire and socket attached then painted to look pretty cool.

how many 52oz'ers does it take to make a head?

The Glass head will hold dependent on the head itself between 104z to 110z.  The top of the Head has the thickest glass part and it will look for one that has the least for more liquid to be held. So 2  52z globes can be used to make a head. Fill the head with water to the point needed and then measure the amount. You can see more info in the Head group area.


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