For sometime now Vandor has been taking Lava lamps from LW and adding there design to them.

They have also had other styles made that would use there globes in the 52z models.

My most favorite Lava from Vandor is The Doors Lava Lamp. Came with one great looking and running 52z clear liquid/Black lava. Other globes look great with this lamp also like a clear/red which I call The Light my Fire doors lamp.

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The Doors is also the Heaviest one from Vandor that base is tall and thick and the cap is like wise. One lamp that I will never sell. I still have the original Clr/Blk globe in the box and is crystal clear.

This one by Vandor was the only good Kiss in lava form ever made . Had a Yellow/red lava USA globe. I love how the side have each member.  Came out in this cool year again 1999. Seems 1999 was a great yrs for many Vandor products. This globe is a Peach custom one I did a few yrs ago.

wasnt it Vandor who took over Fantasia.??
I believe there dominion web page was taken last year since it was up for grabs. I have not heard of Vandor taking them over.


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