Hello, I was wondering if anyone knows where to source replacement bulbs for a carramar rocket lava lamp. It seems they are a very odd ball size and not easy to find and I guess the company not being around anymore makes them a rarity.



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The one I bought from Australia came with the 30w R-14 short neck bulb. Can you post a pic of your bulb there was another size. We have the 40w R-14 bulbs here at The Home Depot.

What the outside base looks like.

Hey Darren,

funny you have brought this up as I've also been on the hunt over the past few weeks to track down some extra bulbs as I now have 3 Carramars and I have had some luck after HEAPS of searching. I went into and old local lighting shop that I knew used to sell Carramars, and I showed the people in there a google photo of the lamp on my phone, the girl knew straight away and said "your in luck, we've got the last one!", mind you it was $9.40 AUD! So my suggestion is try all lighting shops and ask around...

Secondly there is a place here in Aus called PJ White lighting, they sell the 30W clear round-ball types that the older carramars had, I've bought 3 and I recently sold one on Ebay just last week to cover costs! Heres the link to the website and exact item:

Carramar CL750 suitable bulbs

I prefer the 25W short neck bulbs as they don't let as much light out at the base of the lamp and also are cheaper to run and don't overheat as easily... I recently searched on Ebay for these and after giving up I came across and auction for a box of 25 of these exact bulbs!! I won the auction and are yet to receive them. The moral here is keep and eye out and you'll find! I'd be happy to part with some of mine when they come if you'd like? depends if you after the 30W or the 25W as seen in the photos I've added.

Cheers, Joel

Both Carramar bulb types..


Hi the bulb is a 30w 230v ES27 I have included the picture of it below. I will be calling PJ White and asking if I can get one. BTW thank you to everyone for your help.

PJ White have them in stock at the moment so get in while you're able as they're usually out of stock.

This is great news!

Yeah thought it would be, have tried a selection of different light bulbs & although one type was very close it would've required modification of the lamp fitting to work. Which would've looked terrible & ruined the effect they have on the room being used in. I think they're only available from the one franchise now & are only sold in Australia. So I have to thank those who're helping get them over to me in NZ, much appreciated!
I have also had a really hard time finding bulbs of the correct wattage to fit the Carramar Volcano Lamp. They are so rare now.
I found a bulb that is still readily available and works. It is the 25w halogen reptile heat lamp, available on eBay. It fits (measures 50mm high and across). Due to its shape it casts no light out the bottom of the lamp.
Here is the link

Thanks for the information. They are getting harder to find. I'd recommend to stockpile them.


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