Kelly F updated their profile
Jun 23
Joel updated their profile
Sep 4, 2023
James updated their profile
Nov 27, 2022
Miles Brandon updated their profile
Aug 30, 2022
Sumona updated their profile
Dec 9, 2021
Laura Mander is now a member of WWW.OOZINGLAVA.COM | The Fantastic Forum for Lava Lamps
Sep 12, 2021
Profile IconPhilippe and Paul joined WWW.OOZINGLAVA.COM | The Fantastic Forum for Lava Lamps
Aug 30, 2021
Profile IconSuzieWong, Keith Richards, fishipyqz702 and 8 more joined WWW.OOZINGLAVA.COM | The Fantastic Forum for Lava Lamps
Aug 10, 2021
James posted a photo

Globe Comparison

This is the original globe on the left next to it's redo on the right. The original was severely faded, the glitter was clear crap stuck to the sides, and it had what looked like aluminum bits from…
May 3, 2021
James joined George's group

The Lunar Lounge

The exclusive club for the lucky owners of the Mathmos Lunar
Apr 27, 2021