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  • Mark

    Thank you :-)

  • Mathmos Dave

     from Australia,

    thanks for the add mate. 

  • Mathmos Dave

    Thanks ElectricAstro , my daughter made it up for me , ,

    being new to these pages/groups , i was just wondering if there a place on www.oozinglava.com to buy any collectible Mathmos stuff and Carramar lamps. i have not yet surfed the site, but as a collector it has gotten harder in Australia buy new, this is many because Australia Government in it great wisdom has decide that all electrical appliances that are imported for retail sale, must have an AU power plug, yet supply & advertise converters for sale, "how stupid is that", so now i'm forced to look overseas for my collectibles lava, and left have to pay the exorbitant shipping costs. but        

                                 "Such is Life"

    ""see below ""if anyone has a spare one of these that would be Awesome, & if i could buy it, even better, but if i could buy 2 of them to make a pair??.

    I would buy them, from here or there

    i would buy them, as a pair'

    i would buy them, buy them, buy them

    i do not care from where

                            WANTED for Mathmos Melts 

    if I've made a mistake or if I'm not aloud to addvertise then ill delete it immediately  no probs  

    but if anyone has one and wants to sell, then it could be $s.



    Mathmos Dave