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  • Reszound

    Wow those photos of the carramar factory are amazing! How did you come by those? I've seen those lamps are still available at some lighting stores (here in Adelaide at least), but I've never actually seen one in full flow - they don't seem to get up to speed so I've stopped short of forking out the $ for one... great design though hey.
  • Patti

    Hi Astro!

    It was 105 on Friday with the heat index of 115. TERRIBLE cause it was humid as all heck!

    Glad things seem to be going well on this new site. You never answered about the accessories in your pics. Cannot believe you are purchasing all that! Is the background your apt?  Take care, Patti

  • C*O*O*L*S*O*X

    Good to be back! Will get some pics up tomorrow.
  • Soap Lake Lava Lamp

    Hey! Thanks for the greeting. Like that Auras Glow!
  • Bohdan

    Hi all is good. I added new light fixtures this week to the home. Some of the older ones I will rebuild since the new stuff they make is like a LL lamp cheap. And my older stuff is Vintage and will last another 20 yrs.

  • Soap Lake Lava Lamp

    You're right on, because we are planning to use lasers to project images from the inside of the lamp. We are getting help from Laser Smith who does the laser show at the Grand Coulee Dam in WA. Sounds like you had a specific laser system in mind? We'd like to know what you were thinking about!
  • George

    Happy Birthday Anthony , hope you have a wonderful day! : )
  • Patti

    Thanks Astro.  All is coming along with the house. Looks like new. One more wooden door and the patio is half repainted.  Next year, the kitchen cabinets and maybe the counter!

    Take care......Patti..........

  • Bill Smith

    Hi Astro, thanks for the welcome to this new lava lamp forum.
  • Enigma of the Giant Mistrolite

    Hey Astro, just poppin' by to say 'hello'. EotGM
  • Patti

    Thanks Astro. I think the Wizard's are one of the best base and caps LavaWorld made.

    You not only enjoy the lava or glitter (which I think I am liking more than the lava) but

    also have a visual on the wall with the stars and moons.

  • Richard

    Hey astro hope your keeping well ?

    Been a while since I've been on, catch you and the others in chat sometime :)

  • Aladdin 2 Lava

    Hi Astro, not keen on chat rooms bud ! the Jean Geanie lives on his back..lol.

    Love on ya.

  • Patti

    Hi Astro!  Hope you are doing well. We are fine, thankyou. The weather is getting a little chilly here as well.  The weather this year has been above and below the norm. Glad you are enjoying the pics.  Take care, Patti....

  • Enigma of the Giant Mistrolite

    Hey AstroPop (cool name indeed)

    Long time no speak. I do hope you are well and the lava keeps aflowin'!



  • Marcus Ballantine

    Thank you :)
    I have 6 am sat the moment. I'm very much a newbie! But I'm hooked! I'll put some pics up!
    Thank you for the welcome :)
  • astrosaurus

    hey astro want to know some of the gossip at mathmos?

  • Jennifer Payment

    Thankyou so much for the welcome!
  • Robin Rene

    it would have to be many photos, they are all over my house....when I learn how to navigate here I will post something.

  • Goo Kits

    Thank you for the warm welcome. If you ever have any Goo Kit / Magma Tower questions feel free to ask.

  • Goo Kits

    Yes we are indeed still owned by lava louie.

  • Riccardo

    Thanks. Been reading for quite a while, now